Luminous midnight blue Bellydance veil
Do you feel like impressing and leaving your audience speechless at your next show? Choose this luminous Bellydance veil in silk with Leds!
High-end 100% silk rectangular veil with LEDs all over it to highlight your performance especially when the spotlights go off.
The LEDs are so light and so subtly placed so they do not hinder the fluidity of this accessory which must be volatile and airy anytime.
The veil switches on easily. So you can turn on and off the LEDs as you wish during your performance.
The ultra modern lightning system is connected to a rechargeable battery using a USB cable. An economic and practical asset since you can charge the battery anywhere and especially at a lower cost!
This futuristic Bellydance veil is trendy and meets the growing demands of Oriental dancers to surprise and amaze their audience away from the classic paintings and choreographies they already know.
A truly unusual magical accessory!
Size: 200 cm X 110 cm
Blue light-up skirt
Ready to demonstrate unlimited originality in all your shows? Fall for this bright and amazing little skirt!
Bellydance midnight blue rhinestone jewelry set
Be charmed by this gorgeous costume jewelry set available at a very low price!
Umbrella with blue LED
Fall for this original and innovative accessory that will diversify as well as make all your shows more beautiful...
Blue luminous earrings
Accessorize your stage costume with LEDs and lights by wearing these lovely little luminous earrings...
Light-up Bellydance dark blue fans 100% silk with LED lights
Make room for magic and wonder with this beautiful pair of bright Bellydance fans with LED lights!
Light up blue flower headband
Surprise people in your shows with this sublime flower headband with LEDs which looks breathtaking!
Illuminated lock of hair dark blue
Complete at a small price your choreographies of modern and futuristic oriental dance with this illuminated lock of hair dark blue !